About Us

Diamond Gemological Laboratory USA

EGS Lab diamond grading certificates are recognized for their accuracy and integrity, defining industry standards in evaluation and appraisal. EGS Lab employs a team of certified gemologists which use the latest equipment and technology for diamond grading. EGS Lab provides certification and grading services to several diamond distributors in the diamond exchange complex, as well as to private diamond owners.

Our Mission

EGS Lab’s consistent focus over the past decade has been to provide unsurpassed service to the jewelry industry.

Of prime importance is conducting our business in the most unbiased manner, without influence from commercial interests. These are the tenets upon which EGS Lab was founded and still operates by today. EGS Lab strives to anticipate technological changes that will impact the gem and jewelry industry.

Significant resources are earmarked annually for equipment and research purposes to expand our capabilities to respond quickly to the changing needs of the industry.